Booking Manager API documentation version 1.0
Bookings for hotel rooms. There can be only one room for a given booking.
Creates a new booking if such operation is possible, i.e. no other bookings overlap with the new one.
Delete the booking. This can be only done if the booking is to happen in the future, bookings in the past are only deleted when the given room reserved is deleted.
Retrieve booking with the given database identifier.
Return all bookings for the given user. It is also possible to specify a date range to which the bookings should be reserved.
All users of the system, including administrators.
Return user with the given email if such one exists. It is guaranteed that one email address can belong to at most one user.
Authenticate user using his email address and password. Returned value is either "true" or "false".
List all the users which have at least one room reserved. It is also possible to specify date range in by which we wish to reduce the search.
Return hotel with the given id if such one exists.
Delete hotel with the given id if such one exists.
Create a new hotel if the input data represent a valid hotel.
Returns a collection of Room for a given hotel (specified by the route parameter {id}).
All the rooms in the system. Room belongs exactly to one hotel.
Return room with the given id if such one exists.
Delete room with the given id if such one exists.
Loads an image resource using ServletOutputStream. If there is no image path bound to the room, load a static image representing missing resource instead.
Returns a single Hotel by its number. Since the room number itself would be ambiguous, Hotel instance is also required.